Monday, February 2, 2009

Trippidy doo-da

Today as I was driving through downtown I saw a State Trooper strutting down the sidewalk in full uniform trip, stumble, and almost drop his Big Gulp (he was seriously drinking a Big Gulp).  I just about peed in the seat of my car I was laughing so hard.  Why do I love it SO MUCH when people trip??  I always have.  I know that probably everybody gets a little kick out of seeing someone almost eat pavement, but I really can't even contain myself sometimes.  Most normal people just sort of chuckle a little bit and then wrap it up quickly.  Me, on the other hand, I will guffaw in your face, perhaps point at you so that anyone else who has not had the pleasure of watching you fall on your face can then look at you as you try to hurry and gather yourself up, and then proceed to laugh for probably 10 minutes afterward as I replay it over, and over, and over again in my head.  I'm really not a mean person, in fact I'm usually very empathetic, but for some reason I think people tripping is the funniest thing on Earth and I'm not ashamed of my actions.  

My thought is this:  When you trip there is no way of looking graceful, and probably 80% of the time someone sees you, so there is no escaping the embarrassment -- forget about it!  Like I said, with normal people they will try to cover up their laughs and act like they are concerned for your safety (Liars).  Their fake pity will make you feel even more embarrassed.  So, the best thing to do when you trip is laugh at yourself.  Heck when I trip I get jealous because other people got to witness one of my favorite things in the world and I didn't.  I'm really not embellishing my love of tripping.  In fact, one of my best friends, who I will make up a fake name for right now.... Shmachel Shmanson, knew this about me and did something really special.  When I was studying abroad in Spain, I was going through a tough break-up with someone I had been dating.  As soon as I told Shmachel the news (over email of course because that was my main form of communication while I was there), she replied within 10 minutes with a montage of pictures of her tripping and falling flat on her face.  Hahaha...cheered me right up!

And so the moral of this story is, tripping brings joy to millions all around the world (especially me), so embrace it.  Thank you.


  1. Kay ate it at Costco not that long ago. Baxter made her go get the $1.50 coke & hot dog combo while he waited with their stuff at the table. She slipped on something wet and ate it right there in front of the whole crowd, mustard dogs flying and all. The worst part was Bax didn't even run to help her up; he said it was a delayed reaction. She blamed him for everything, naturally. I so wish I could have been there. Actually, after reading this I wish we both were there.

  2. do you remember the time we saw that little girl fall on that retreat thing we went to at Trinity...ha ha ha ha....

  3. Hahaha...I love my name! By the way, it's a lot harder to trip for a camera than you'd think. :)

    Love the blog - first time I've read it!
